Meditation Study
Purpose: Can Meditation over one week improve interoception and intuitive eating behavior?
- Question: What is the relationship between meditation, interoception, and our eating behavior?
- Your Time Commitment: 2 days, each a week apart, appointments lasting duration is approximately 60 minutes
- Benefits: Meditation is thought to increase our self-awareness and the sensations we experience, ie: our breath, heart rate, and hunger and fullness.
- Risks: blood collection (just a finger prick) may produce a bruise
- We use the latest technology in neuroimaging, Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) to measure the recruitment of brain regions during meditation.
- Before signing up please read our informed consent document here
- To enroll, please follow the online booking link here. Please note, you will need to sign up for Day 1 and Day 7 appointments.